Mexico to Canada during COVID-19

Mexico USA Canada

here’s the drill to return from Mexico to Canada:
1) no direct flights to Canada so book a flight through the US. We flew American Airlines through Dallas.

You need to prebook a government-issued hotel in your arrival city in Canada. Many Canadians have issues with this.

2) get a Covid test within 72 hours of departure. Test results come back by email under 24 hrs. At CMQ on Basilio Badillo the test is $3000 pesos.

3) you need a Negative result to travel.

4) Download 3 apps to your phone: Vuela Seguro (for Mx.), VeriFLY (for US), ArriveCAN (for Canadá). In each app you input your Covid test and flight info. The apps give you a code so that when you check in the customs (and airline checking) scan your code. You don’t HAVE to use the apps but without the apps, you stop and fill out paper questionnaires and show Covid test info instead. The apps just make it faster.

5) on arrival in your city in Canada you get another Covid test. Then you are required to go directly to your hotel and wait for test results. When you have them you go home and continue a 14-day quarantine. Can’t leave your property.

6) on day 8 of quarantine you take another Covid test. Wait for another Negative test result.

I’m sure different provinces have different protocols once you arrive. For example in British Columbia, once you have finished your quarantine you cannot travel outside your‘ health region’. Rosemary did ground crossing by the way. She left the day after me and got home the same day, as Serge and I spent a night in the hotel waiting for our Canada arrival Covid test.

From a Canadian traveler and friend.

Mexico USA Canada

Is it easier to travel now in July 2022?

Yes. Covid has almost been contained.

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